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Yup, bikes find me.

I own a few old Raleigh Techniums, and somewhat shockingly to some, only one of them is broken, and it isn't a case of the steel section coming unbonded from the aluminum, so hopefully some day I'll learn how to replace that cracked dropout. I recognize that as a somewhat meandering opening sentence with a lot of "some", but I've found the Technium is a great bike for meandering, which is just the type of riding I particularly enjoy. So, imagine the extremity of my pleasure last week when I found a Technium in the scrap metal pile at Hampshire Bike Exchange, although yes, some sadness as well that such a wonderful machine could be considered scrap. And hark, it even had post brake mounts, which along with the drop bars tricked me into thicking it was the so-rare-I've-seen-only-the-one-owned-by-friend-Brendan cyclocross model! I'd never stepped back far enough to judge the obviously 26" wheels. Happily, I wasn't too disappointed to realize it was a

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