A few quick plugs

 Friend and organizer of great rides like The Dirty Hoagie (need you know any more?), Taylor, is doing it again tomorrow in Wallingford, CT.  You can read about his happenings here: https://dirtbagmachineworks.blogspot.com/2022/03/spring-2022.html and see specifics for tomorrow's route here: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/38179924?privacy_code=dHTQGunxGWOmRsIe  I expect a seriously whimsical good time and plan to figure out how I'm going to be there on time.

Also, in case you missed it, there is now an option to subscribe for updates when there's a new post to this blog.  Find it just under the banner photo.  This sort of thing used to be a default on Blogger, but times change, and the service now functions through a Yahoo account.  If you don't want to sign up with Yahoo, and trust me with your email (I use BCC for all group mailings), you can use the contact form from the drop down menu (upper left of the main blog page) and I'll start a updates mailing list as a stop gap until a better solution appears shining on the morning horizon.

Happy weekend to all, and after that, weekbeginning!


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