The default is faulty

 I run trails, as on foot, and some people are even willing to do that with me, so I've been included in a text distribution list of people who post various local trail runs and events. After some consideration, I just tapped "send" to push back against a good person who mentioned an event in outlying Conway this weekend and used "drive" as default language for travel.

Yes, I know. We live in a society where the default way to get somewhere is to drive (thereby making every "where" a little less able to support life). No, I'm not saying people can't choose to drive, but to not even acknowledge they are chooses is a huge loss for the world.

I truly debated sending that reply, but societal defaults are about attitudes, and sometimes someone has to be a tad antisocial, stand up, and say wait, maybe this perspective is wrong. Maybe we shouldn't own other people, or gas a particular group for having a different interpretation of the same God as us, maybe.

Yes, riding a bike takes more physical effort than driving, but I know far more people who ride bikes for shear enjoyment versus the same for driving, and I did know a few of the latter. I even was one at one time, but it was in a controlled environment with a lot of angular tire drifting. I've never heard anyone say, "I love my driving commute." So yes, biking places takes effort, and some life planning, but the results are grand!


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