In the words of George Harrison

 Here comes the sun! I'm writing this at 7AM, and for the last half hour at least, I've had a good clear view of my back yard. It is now about three and a half weeks past the solstice, and the difference is noticeable, and welcome.

The view from my back yard yesterday about ten minutes after my arrival home, 
which happened to be 4:16PM, 
which happened to be sunset time on the solstice.

I really do like being outside in the dark, but in the past, that often included riding my bike to somewhere or from someplace in the dark, on roads, with cars, driven by people. People are interesting, but that can be a good thing or a frightfully bad thing, and to the latter, I'm significantly less inclined to travel the roads by bike with them and their automobiles when some of them are in a unlit (or possibly, euphemistically, lit) state of mind, so yes, more light has much more meaning to me these days!


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