I rode gravel!

 Maybe it's because I don't watch enough (any) television, I find marketing more laughable than effective on me, although maybe it is in fact so subtle that I don't notice the effect, which I believe is the whole point. 

A couple years ago, around the beginning of my brief foray back into bike racing, I reached out to my friend Pat, one of the product managers at Kona, to let him know I'd once again be lapping on one of their old creations. Pat replied with an update of his doings, which included the phrase "gravel type bike". Being either an astute reader or, more likely, the anti-gravel-nomenclature grouch I am, I took special note of the "type" inclusion and asked Pat if he considered the term "gravel" as marketing-gymicy as I do, which launched an appropriate, concise, an accurate screed on marketing in general from Pat. Yup, I like Pat.

I, mostly, don't like gravel, much preferring the serenity of a smoother dirt road, but every now and again, riding alongside railroad tracks, where one finds true gravel, can be both more direct and less busy, avoiding paved roads, and more importantly, the high speed cars they carry. This past Sunday was one of those nows again, and yes, I admit, I rather enjoyed it.

No nickel and dime,
I avoid routes 5 AND 10!


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